Living single season 3 episode 24
Living single season 3 episode 24

living single season 3 episode 24

Steve saw that there was a clue on it and asked the viewers if it was. Suddenly, a wind-up marching toy soldier starts marching in the living room. Steve and Blue sang out the same tunes with the animals. The pig sang the same tune and the same rhythm as the frog on the lily pad. The cardinal went chirp-chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp-chirp. The frog on the rock went ribbit, ribbit-ribbit, ribbit. Suddenly, another frog, a pig, and a cardinal come along. The frog on the lily pad had a song too which was Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. Despite the fact that they were different animals, it was the same tune and the same rhythm. The sheep sang the tune that sounded like the cow. The mouse went squeak-squeak, squeak-squeak. She was looking for her friend who sings the song that was just like her which was: Moo, moo-moo. Both chicks sang the same tune and had the same rhythm. The cow went moo, moo, moo, and the sheep went baa-baa, baa. The other chick also went chirp, chirp, chirp-chirp. A chick pops out and was looking for her friend who sings the song that sounded just like her. Blue and Steve skidoo into the picture of the farm by singing it. He gets interrupted by the sound of animals on the farm. Then, he starts making music on the thinking chair. After reading the letter, Steve tells the viewers that he just loves to sing and make music. The kids had to clack the rhythm sticks 4 times which was clack-clack, clack, clack. Then it was time for a different music beat. The kids started by rubbing their hands twice and then hitting the floor once. Steve gets his letter and as he opened the letter, a group of kids sat on the floor as they played "repeat the beat". Mailbox comes in to join in on the Mail Time song. So, he tries very carefully to draw the second clue properly. Steve draws the second clue in his notebook which was a drum. They find a clue on a musical instrument. The viewers listened very carefully and repeated the sequence. Steve toughens them by clapping three times, a slap, a clap, another slap, and another clap. Steve claps twice and slaps his arms twice. Steve tests the viewers' intelligence to see if they can do what he can do. Steve claps his hands to the beat of the music. After gathering the notes for the water xylophone, Steve still has the music stuck in his head. The more water in the jar, the lower the pitch. The notes had to be a tad bit lower each time. They needed to find all the notes for the water xylophone. But he needed more clues to figure out the answer. Steve draws the first clue in his notebook. After that, he spots the first clue which was pot lids, but not before doing what seemed to be a finale with majestic music and funny dancing. It looks as if he has tap shoes on his feet. Steve noticed that his feet were making music. After that, Steve starts looking for those clues.

living single season 3 episode 24

#Living single season 3 episode 24 how to#

Steve sings out to the viewers the demo of how to play Blue's Clues.

living single season 3 episode 24

Sidetable opens her drawer and keeps it open so that Steve can reach for his notebook. Sidetable opens and closes her drawer as she sings a tune. After that, Steve goes to Sidetable to try to get his notebook. The pawprint's toes made vibraphone sounds and the heel made a gong sound. Steve makes a little music with the pawprint. So, Steve sings out a tune telling the viewers they were going to play Blue's Clues. Steve thought to himself and thought today would be a great day to play Blue's Clues. Steve asks Blue what she would like to do on a rainy day. Steve and Blue thought the rain sounded like music too. The episode starts with a swarm of dark clouds and the sky getting dark as well. Felt Frame picture: Freddy playing a tuba with Navy Blue music notes.Living room picture: Farm (skidoo location).Question: What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day?.It is raining outside, but what does Blue want to do on this rainy day?

Living single season 3 episode 24